Palmyra Bowling
Bingo Bowl
The object of the game is to achieve one of the Bowling Bingo wins listed below. The
first team to accomplish the Strike, Spare or Gutter Ball gets the prize!
One players frame = one square. The total count for the frame must match one of the
squares. If there are no squares left with that number the next player bowls and nothing
is recorded.
If a bowler knocks down 8 pins on their first shot, they could throw a gutter ball and then
they cross off one of the eight’s on the game card. If they try for the spare and knock
down the two remaining pins, they would cross off the / on the game card. If they miss
the spare, but have an eight left on their card, they would cross off the eight.
Strike Spare Gutter Ball
The X = a Strike (knocking
down all 10 pins in one ball)
The / = a Spare (knocking down
all ten pins with two balls).
The other numbers represent
the amount of pins knocked
down in one player’s frame.
Every time a player bowls they
have a chance to cross off a
square. Only mark one square
per each player’s frame.