HTML Preview Toddler Daycare Schedule page number 1.

Daily Schedule
This is a basic framework for a daily schedule that would cover a multi-age grouping. All time
are approximates
Infants and Toddlers
8:00 9:00 AM Children arrive. Some children may need breakfast. After breakfast,
infants are changed and put down to nap. Young and old Toddlers select
own activities/experiences. As infants wake up they are brought in to join
the group activity.
9:30 Morning snack
10:00 Infants and toddlers gathered to sing songs, dance to music and story time.
Get ready to go outside: use the toilet, wash hands, change diapers and so
10:15 Outdoor play and/or perhaps a walk.
11:00 Story time and get ready for lunch
11:15 Family-style lunch is a time for conversations. After lunch, older children
help put food away and clean up. Hands are washed, diapers are changed.
12:00 Everyone (except, perhaps, for a baby who just woke up) has a rest period.
Older toddlers rest quietly on their cots if unable to sleep (i.e., looking at a
book). As children wake up, diapers are changed, hands are washed, and
hair is combed.
2:00 Children have a snack together. Teacher gives choices for the afternoon
activities/experiences. Indoor and outdoor play for all children
3:00 Dismissal
8:00 Arrival (wash hands upon arrival)
8:45 Group
9:00 Free play, centers open for children’s choice, open snack
10:30 Clean-up transition to group
10:45 Second Group playground transition to outdoor play
11:00 Outdoor play
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Prepare for nap: bathroom, wash hands, cot set up, story
1:00 Nap/rest time
2:00 Wake up/snack
2:30 Afternoon group/ free choice (possible outdoor time)
3:00 Dismissal

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