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Erma PAC Meeting
January 30, 2015
8:45 am to 10:00 am
Erma Computer Room
Meeting called by:
Lucky Kang, President
Type of
Regular Meeting
Lucky Kang
Note taker:
Cinny Allen, Secretary
Lucky Kang (President), Lisa Itkonen (President), Kam Liddar (Vice President), Cinny Allen
(Secretary), Jean Sveinson (Principal), Rhonda Kieper, Maria Lopez, Nila Dattani, Mona Azizi,
Roop Chatterjee
Munnie was unable to attend today and therefore no report was provided. She will be providing an update to Lucky in the
near future.
There was a discussion about the use of funds by the school for field trips and school bus expenditures. It was agreed to
transfer $5000.00 from the general account to the school. Monthly receipts will be provided by the school. A deadline of
May 31 will be provided to the school. Any unused funds will be returned by then.
Action items
Person responsible
Transfer funds to the school
Munnie Sidhu
Jean Sveinson
Jean introduced herself as the new principal of Erma Stephenson. She was happy to be at the new school and was
already impressed by the quality of the teachers, staff, students, and parents. She provided a written summary of events
that have recently occurred as well as upcoming events. She hopes for the school to go paperless as much as possible.
Newsletters and communications for parents and students will now be posted regularly on the school’s website. Emails
will also stop as there have been too many problems with bounce backs.
The Community Forum is an annual event where School Trustees meet with parents and interested parties. Typically a
school elects people to attend but anyone is welcome. Jean found the meeting provided an opportunity for parents to
voice opinions and provide input into policies.
Minutes from November 14, 2014 were approved, seconded and passed without amendments. Minutes will be posted
online and on the board.

If it really was a no–brainer to make it on your own in business there’d be millions of no–brained, harebrained, and otherwise dubiously brained individuals quitting their day jobs and hanging out their own shingles. Nobody would be left to round out the workforce and execute the business plan. | Bill Rancic