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2018 Budget Calendar
Date: Activity:
March 15, 2017 Distribute 2018 budget calendar to department heads for review at the Department Head meeting.
March 16 Present 2018 Budget Calendar to Commission and discuss 2018 budget baseline estimates.
March 20 Finalize 2018 budget baseline estimates with BOCC.
March 24 HR Manager to forward preliminary personnel reports to departments for verification.
CPI-U for December annual from Bureau of Labor Statistics included in reports as guideline.
March 27 Budget and Finance Officer to formulate 2018 budget baseline estimates.
On or before March 31 Budget & Finance Officer sends letters to outside entities/agencies for appropriation requests.
April 7 Departments submit preliminary personnel reports to HR Manager.
April 14 2018 Budget Request Forms distributed to departments with personnel numbers and budget baseline estimates.
On or before April 21 Outside agency appropriation requests due to Budget and Finance Officer.
On or before April 28 Total real estate appraised value determined by the Appraiser’s Office.
May 1, 4, 8, 11 & 15 Meetings between Commissioners and agencies/entities requesting appropriation.
Meetings between Commissioners and Department Heads to discuss budget requests.
On or before May 5 Budgets for benefit districts and special funds are submitted to Budget & Finance Officer.
Department budget requests due to Budget and Finance Officer.
May 16 Budget and Planning Committee to discuss compiled Budget information.
May 18 Preliminary budgets are distributed to BOCC.
2018 COLA presentation included for consideration of approval by BOCC.
On or before May 19 Revenue estimates received from the County Treasurer.
By June 1(Statute) Personal Property, Utilities, 16/20 M Vehicles, and Oil & Gas valuations certified.
June 9 Value of 1 Mill is established by County Clerk.
June 12 - June 22 Budget and Planning Committee and Commission budget work sessions.
Department Heads review final proposed budgets with Commission.
June 22 Commissioners approve all county budgets.
June 26
Send hearing notice to Manhattan Mercury
June 28
Publication in the Manhattan Mercury of the proposed budget and notice of hearing.
June 30 Deadline to notify the County Clerk of an election
July 10 2018 Budget Public Hearing
September 15 Budget Election if needed and 2018 Budget Adoption
July 21 Final budget documents are prepared and sent to the auditor for review (no election)
August 25 Final budget documents are prepared and sent to the auditor for review (election)
August 25* Adopted budget due to County clerk (no election)
October 1 Adopted budget due to County clerk (election)
*Kansas statutes state that an annual operating budget be legally adopted for the general fund, special revenue
funds (unless specifically exempted by statute), debt service funds, and enterprise funds. State statute provides
for this timetable in the adoption of the legal annual operating budget.

A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost. | Unknown