HTML Preview Workplace Romance Fraternization Policy page number 1.

1. General
1.1. Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Einstein) is committed to creating and maintaining an
environment in which learning and working can take place in an atmosphere of professionalism
and mutual respect. Einstein recognizes that certain relationships and conduct in the
educational setting have the potential to compromise, or appear to compromise, the fairness
and objectivity of educational decisions and the discharge of other professional duties.
Romantic relationships and/or sexual conduct that occur in the context of educating,
supervising, evaluating or mentoring students can be disruptive to the educational
environment. Similarly, Einstein’s mission is promoted by professionalism in all relationships
and conduct between supervisors and employees. Einstein recognizes the potential for a
conflict of interest when a romantic relationship and/or sexual conduct occurs between a
supervisor and his or her employee. As a result, Einstein has adopted this policy to ensure that
such relationships and conduct do not hinder the fulfillment of Einstein’s mission.
2. Definitions
“Educators” refer to faculty, staff, administrators and any other members of the Einstein
community who educate, supervise, evaluate or mentor students.
“Students” refer to those enrolled in any and all educational and training programs at Einstein
and its affiliated schools.
“Supervisor” refers to someone who has professional authority over another, either directly or
through a chain of command at Einstein. For purposes of this policy, supervising an employee,
includes, without limitation, hiring, evaluating, assigning work, or making decisions or
recommendations that confer benefits such as promotions, raises or other remuneration, or
performing any other function that might affect employment opportunities.
3. Students
3.1. The integrity of the educator-student relationship is the foundation of Einstein’s educational
mission. These relationships vest considerable trust in the educators who educate, supervise,
evaluate and mentor students. Given the inequality in such relationships, it is imperative that
the integrity of the educational process not be jeopardized by creating a conflict of interest or
impairing the learning environment for the student involved in the relationship, as well as for
other students. Accordingly, all Educators are prohibited from pursuing or engaging in a
romantic relationship and/or sexual conduct with any student over whom the educator
currently has, or may reasonably expect to have, educational, supervisory, academic or
mentoring responsibilities.
3.2. If any of these prohibited relationships or conduct exists, it must be immediately disclosed to
Einstein by both parties by notifying in writing the Executive Dean, Vice President for Human
Resources and Yeshiva University’s Title IX Coordinator. Furthermore, both parties should
cooperate in making alternative educational, supervisory, academic or mentoring
arrangements necessary to protect the student against academic, professional or financial

Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable. | Coco Chanel