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Name Reservation Request
(Corporation, Limited Liability Company, or Limited Partnership Names)
To request the reservation of a corporation, limited liability company or limited partnership
name, complete the enclosed Name Reservation Request Form, attach a check in the
amount of $10 (made payable to the Secretary of State) and submit the request:
By mail, along with a self-addressed envelope, to Secretary of State, Name
Availability Unit, 1500 11th Street, 3rd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814.
In person (drop off) at the Secretary of State’s office in Sacramento. A
request to reserve a corporation name also can be dropped off in person at
our Los Angeles regional office, 300 South Spring Street, Room 12513, Los
Angeles, CA 90013. In addition to the $10 name reservation fee, each drop
off request must include a separate, non-refundable special handling fee in
the amount of $10. Note: The special handling fee is not applicable to
requests submitted by mail.
Go to for the
current processing times at our Sacramento office.
Only one reservation will be made per request form. You may list up to three names, in
order of preference, and the first available name will be reserved for a period of 60 days.
The remaining names will not be researched.
A name reservation is made for a period of 60 days. The name reservation can be
renewed to the same applicant or for the benefit of the same party, but not for consecutive
E-mail and/or online requests for name reservations cannot be accepted at this time.
Please complete the Name Reservation Request Form on the following page.
Note: The reservation of a proposed corporation, limited liability company or limited
partnership name does not guarantee that the reserved name complies with all federal and
state laws. At the time of filing the document containing the reserved name, it is your
responsibility to ensure that you have complied with all federal and state laws, including
specific name requirements. In some circumstances, the reserved name may require
additional approval/consent pursuant to applicable law at the time of filing. Name styles for
particular types of business entities and the need for consent/approval required by law are
not considered at the time of the name reservation. Therefore, no financial commitment
relating to the proposed name should be made based on the reservation, since the
business entity record is not created/qualified/amended until the appropriate documents
have been submitted to and filed by the Secretary of State.
Name Reservation Request Info (Rev. 01/2015) Page 1 of 2 California Secretary of State
(916) 657-5448
Secretary of State
Business Programs Division
Business Entities, 1500 11th Street, 3rd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814

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