Preschool/Pre-K Classroom Pre-Coaching Quality Checklist
Program: ________________________Classroom: ______________ Teachers’ Names: _______________________________________ Date: _______________
**The Agenda for Children Preschool/Pre-K Pre-Coaching Quality Checklist adapted from Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS), Teaching Strategies
GOLD, CLASS, Louisiana Birth to Five Early Learning Standards and NAEYC Standards.
A.) Room arranged that allows all children to move and play independently in the following learning
centers (e.g. dramatic play, block play, creative expression/art, manipulatives, books, sand/water
table, and writing center)
B.) Quiet learning centers and active learning centers are not next to each other (books not close to
blocks or dramatic play)
C.) Learning centers available daily and organized for children’s independent use with labeled shelves
and labeled containers, etc. (labels should have both words and pictures)
D.) Toys are clean, in good working order and complete (e.g. no missing pieces or broken parts)
E.) Spaces for privacy (more than one area that is for one or two children to play protected from
intrusion of others)
F.) Most displays (60% or more) are at child-level and are done individually by children and/or child-
related vs. commercial displays
G.) Children have access to exercise to appropriate space and appropriate equipment for large motor
A.) Every child and parent is greeted warmly by name
B.) The room is free of heavy odors, including room fresheners, perfumes, soiled clothing, strong
cleaning agents (e.g. bleach or Pine-Sol)
C.) Food allergies/dietary restrictions posted in room
D.) Cots placed 3 feet apart or solid barrier; bedding stored so it does not come in contact with other
E.) Sheet and blanket available for each child for nap (children may not sleep directly on vinyl)
F.) Staff do not consume any drinks or foods in the classroom that is not also provided to all children