Page 1 of 1 March, 2013
I understand that:
(1) Alberta Chicken Producers is in the process of developing and compiling an Employee
Handbook for all employees. This Handbook defines the expectations of our employees
and serves as a reference for all eligible employees that have completed a successful
probationary period.
(2) The Handbook is a living document. Alberta Chicken Producers reserves the right to
modify this Handbook, rescind any policies, procedures, employee benefit programs, or
portion of the Handbook from time-to-time as it deems appropriate, in its sole and
absolute discretion.
(3) I will be required to sign off on each Policy and/or Program as it is developed and
presented; and I will be engaged in discussion at the time of introducing a ‘new’ Policy
and/or Program to offer input and feedback.
(4) As Policies and/or Programs are revised, employees will be notified of revisions (dated
on the front page, under the Policy Title), and provided with copies of latest revision to
be replaced in their Employee Handbook.
(5) I am responsible for reading the Alberta Chicken Producers Employee Handbook,
familiarizing myself with its contents, and adhering to all Policies, Programs and/or
Guidelines, whether set forth in this Handbook or elsewhere. A PDF copy will be
contained in the K drive for all employees.
(6) All employee Policies and/or Programs contained herein are adopted by Alberta
Chicken Producers and supersede previous Policies. Periodic reviews will occur of
employee Policies, in part or as a whole, to ensure that they continue to reflect current
thinking in the field of Human Resources Management and are consistent with trends
and legislative requirements.
(7) This Employee Handbook is the property of Alberta Chicken Producers, and is to be
returned to the Office Manager should my employment be terminated, or should I leave
on my own accord.
NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
DATE: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________________________________________