Certificate of Achievement: Commercial Music
Top Code: 1005.00 Catalog Yr Used: ___________
1. Equivalent 2.Substitution Courses 3.Waivers (Circle One):________________________________________________________________
Department/Division Chair or Faculty Signature __________________________________________ Date _______________________
Approved By: _________________________________ Date: __________________ Entry: ________________
Student Name: _______________________________________ ID: @______________ Please mail___ Will pick up___
(Print name as you want it to appear on certificate)
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________ Phone No.: (_____) _____-_______
(For purposes of mailing certificates)
City: _____________________________ State:____ Zip:________ Email:_________________________________________
Have you attended another college? ___No ___ Yes , Name of college ________________________________
Are you using any of those courses to satisfy a certificate requirement? If so, t
ranscript must be on file.
This Training will help me: Get a job ___ Advance on present job___ Increase Earnings___ Other_______________
Student Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
This program develops student’s knowledge and skills in the areas of automotive and light truck standard and automotive transmissions, differential and drive train
components. Program includes instruction in theory of operation, diagnostic and repair procedures as well as complete repair procedures.
Total Units ________
Required Courses: 18 units
Introduction to Music Technology
Commercial Music Composition
Sound Design and Synthesis