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The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) works to ensure access to justice for those who need it, so
it is with deep gratitude that we receive your very kind commitment of $250 to LSC’s 40
Anniversary Campaign for Justice Fund.
Your commitment will help children, the elderly, domestic violence survivors, and veterans by
increasing the resources and tools available in civil legal services.
LSC is the single largest funder of civil legal services in the country and plays a vital role in a
public-private partnership focused on fulfilling America’s pledge of equal justice for all. Since its
founding almost four decades ago, LSC has been making a difference in the lives of low-income
Americans by funding high-quality civil legal assistance to veterans, the elderly, victims of
domestic abuse, tenants facing unlawful evictions, and others.
In order to ensure that donors’ gifts are used for the intended purpose, to allow LSC to plan
effectively, we ask that donors complete the attached pledge confirmation form for
commitments that extend beyond a single donation.
By joining LSC’s 40
anniversary campaign, you are helping those in need across the country
access the Constitutional promise of “justice for all.
James J. Sandman
CC: Wendy Rhein

One finds limits by pushing them. | Herbert Simon