A Sample Professional Practice Goal for a Superintendent
Goal Statement for Administrator Meetings: During 2012-2013, I will devote at least 75% of
administrative meeting time to district improvement goals and get better at using appropriate strategies to
actively engage administrators in developing and sharing ways to implement those goals effectively at the
school level.
Key Actions
1. I will introduce administrators to my professional practice goal and the opportunity each will have
quarterly to assess my progress.
2. For each bi-weekly administrator meeting, I will develop a “lesson plan” that includes objectives
(what participants “will know and be able to do”), strategies designed to engage every participant
in active learning, and strategies for assessing learning.
3. I will learn, introduce and use cooperative learning strategies such as “Think-Pair-Share”
4. I will develop, administer and analyze a quarterly survey of administrators and refine my lesson
planning based on the feedback.
5. ?
1. All meetings have completed lesson plans and notes that show time spent on district
improvement goals and at least one strategy for active engagement (process)
2. Administrators’ quarterly assessments of the administrator meetings show that an increasing
percentage of administrators perceive that they are more actively engaged in the meetings and
are acquiring valuable knowledge about district initiatives and how to implement them more
effectively at the school level (outcome)
3. ?