HTML Preview Summary Report page number 1.

2001 - Software Quality Engineering - Version 7.0
A - 27
Test Summary Report Template
(IEEE 829-1998)
Test Summary Report Identifier
Some type of unique company generated number to identify this summary report, its level
and the level of software that it is related to. Preferably the report level will be the same as the
related software level. The number may also identify whether the summary report is for the
entire project or a specific level of testing. This is to assist in coordinating software and testware
versions within configuration management.
Identify all relevant support materials so that the reader of the report knows which version
and release of the project/software is being reported on. It may be particularly important to
identify the specific version of an external package used in the testing, especially if a new release
occurred during the test cycle and was not included. The version/release information should
match the information contained in the configuration management system and may include the
following elements.
Test Items This should match the item definitions from the appropriate level test plan
that this report is covering. Any variance from the items specified in the test plan should
be identified. Elements from the features sections of the test plan (both included and
excluded) can also be included here or in a separate reference section.
Environment The environment and any variances for that identified in the test plan
should be verified here to ensure that the correct test set-up was used. This will help
avoid confusion when the product is released to production and will ensure that the test
environment matches the destination platform.
References Any documents that support this report and their location within the
configuration management system.
Document any changes or deviations from those areas agreed on in the reference documents,
especially in areas that may cause concern to the group accepting the test results. Include
references to any supporting documentation that covers the reasons for the deviations.
From Test Plans or Specifications
Reasons for Deviations
Support materials and documents
Change requests
Enhancement requests
Incident reports (incident left in by intent)

For maximum attention, nothing beats a good mistake. | Unknown