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Reference Check Template
Section I: Applicant Information
___________________________ __________________________
Last Name First Name
Position title College/Org and Department/Unit
Section II: Reference Contacted
__________ ______________ ___________________________ ________________
Person Contacted Employer/Organization Phone Number
____________________________ ________ ___________________
Position title of person contacted: Length of Association to Candidate
Relationship to candidate: □ Supervisor □ Co-Worker Academic □ Other
Describe: ______________________
Section III: Candidate Information
Reference must be work relevant or related to academic background
_________________________ __________________ _________________
Position title candidate held Employer/Organization Dates of Employment
Identify yourself, your role at Trent, your reason for calling and the position for which the
candidate is applying. If necessary, briefly describe the duties and responsibilities of the position
the candidate is seeking.

To the degree we’re not living our dreams; our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves. | Peter McWilliams