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Date: April 24, 2021
I. THE PARTIES. This Lease Agreement {{“Agreement”}} made this {{date}} is between:
Landlord: {{Landlord’s Name}} with a mailing address of {{Landlord’s Mailing Address}} {{Landlord}},
Tenant(s): {{Tenant’s Name}} with a mailing address of {{Tenant’s Mailing Address {{“Tenant”}}.
NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and agreements contained
herein, the Tenant agrees to lease the Premises from the Landlord under the following terms and
II. LEASE TYPE. This Agreement shall be considered a: (check one)
☐ - Fixed Lease. The Tenant shall be allowed to occupy the Premises starting on {{Start
Date}}, and end on {{End Date}} {{“Lease Term”}}. At the end of the Lease Term and no
renewal is made, the Tenant: (check one)
☐ - May continue to lease the Premises under the same terms of this Agreement
under a month-to-month arrangement.
☐ - Must vacate the Premises.
☐ - Month-to-Month Lease. The Tenant shall be allowed to occupy the Premises on a
month-to-month arrangement starting on {{Start Date}} and ending upon notice of {{#}} days
from either the Landlord or Tenant {{“Lease Term”}}.
III. PAYMENT TERMS. During the Lease Term, the Tenant shall be responsible for the following:
(check all that apply)
☐ - Monthly Rent: $ {{Amount}} due on the {{#}} of each month.
☐ - Security Deposit: $ {{Amount}} due at signing of this Agreement.
☐ - Last Month’s Rent: $ {{Amount}} due at signing of this Agreement.
☐ - {{Payment Description}}: $ {{Amount}} due {{Payment Details}}.
☐ - {{Payment Description}}: $ {{Amount}} due {{Payment Details}}.
☐ - {{Payment Description}}: $ {{Amount}} due {{Payment Details}}.
IV. UTILITIES. The Tenant shall be responsible for all utilities and services to the Premises except for:
{{Except Utilities}}.
V. OTHER TERMS. {{Other Terms}}
Landlord’s Signature: __________________ Tenant’s Signature: __________________
Print Name: __________________ Print Name: __________________
{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}