A vendor may include in the “food sales” amount reported to the State agency any item that may be
purchased with food stamp benefits.
“Food sales” includes sales of –
Foods for the household to eat, such as:
breads and cereals;
fruits and vegetables;
meats, fish, and poultry; and
dairy products
Coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated and noncarbonated drinks, ice, candy, condiments and spices,
when sold along with the items above
Snack foods (e.g., potato chips and cupcakes)
Cold ready-to-eat foods intended for off-premises consumption only
Specialty foods (such as diabetic and dietetic foods) enriched or fortified foods, infant formulas,
and certain health food items. Examples include weight loss products (e.g., Slim Fast), Pedial-
ite, Ensure, wheat germ, and brewer’s yeast. If the ordinary use of the item is as a food, rather
than as a medicine or therapeutic agent, it may be included in food sales.
Vegetable oils, shortening, and food coloring
Cooking wine, wine vinegar, flavorings, extracts
“Food sales” does not include sales of –
Any nonfood items, such as:
pet foods;
soaps, paper products; and
household supplies
Beer, wine, liquor, and all other alcoholic beverages
Cigarettes, cigars, and all other tobacco products
Vitamins and medicines
Foods that will be eaten in the store
Hot foods and hot food products (e.g., soups, roasted chicken, coffee, steamed seafood)