Special Occasion Speech
Purpose: To develop your skill in developing and delivering a special occasion speech.
Points: ___/40
Visual Aid or Prop? ___ (required)
Length: 2-3 minutes
Props/Visual Aids
Typed Speaking Outline
Make sure that you are well rehearsed. Special Occasion Speeches should be smooth,
organized, and interesting.
Make sure that you make your speech memorable! Consider how to use ethos, logos and
Choose one
of the Scenarios below:
You have been asked to pay tribute to a person, group of people, an institution, event or idea.
You have been asked to speak because you are well-known for your ability to increase an
audience’s admiration for a person, institution, event or idea.
Scenario #1: Giving a Commemorative Speech
Examples: Paying tribute to the soldiers in Iraq, paying tribute to a fallen police officer, paying
tribute to a newly developed community center, paying tribute to the idea of freedom for all.
Guidelines for Giving a Commemorative Speech:
Present information about the subject by expressing feelings and arousing sentiments.
Explain why you feel the subject should be commemorated and honored.
Explain what impact the subject had or will have.
Be creative with your use of language by being descriptive.
Display sincere feelings.
Motivates the audience to continue honoring the subject.
You have been asked to give a toast at your _____’s (son, daughter, best friend, etc.) wedding. It
is a privilege for you to give this toast. You feel very proud and happy for the couple.
Scenario #2: Giving a Toast
Guidelines for Giving a Toast:
Thank the bride and groom for being given the opportunity to give a toast on their special
Focus on some positive attributes or characteristics of the bride and groom.
Use a personal story that demonstrates the attribute or characteristic of the bride and/or
Create a vivid and memorable image of the couple being honored.
Give eye contact to the entire audience.
Project enthusiasm.
Closes by asking the audience to raise their glass and toast the happy couple.
You have been asked to give a brief eulogy at ___’s funeral/wake. All of the family and friends
are in attendance. You will address the audience in the manner the deceased wants you to.
Note: You can do this eulogy on yourself if you want to.
Scenario #3: Eulogy
Guidelines for Giving a Eulogy:
Address the audience.
Point out what was significant and good about this person.
Comfort the group.
Express appropriate feelings.
Makes the person memorable (personal stories, quotes, etc.).
Provides a solid and memorable closing statement.