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APA Annotated Bibliography on Bullies in Schools
Bacchini, D., Esposito, G., & Affuso, G. (2009). Social experience and school bullying.
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19(1), 17-32. doi:
This study examines the relationship between school bullying and various aspects
of urban environments where participants live and go to school. Researchers
found that bullying is significantly associated with the way subjects perceive their
exposure to dangerous and violent situations within the neighborhood they live
and go to school, and their relationship with classmates and their relationship with
teachers. The researchers conclude that there is a need for intervention strategies
that extend beyond the classroom to the broader community and neighborhood.
Hazler, R. J. (1996). Breaking the cycle of violence: Interventions for bullying and
victimization. Washington, D.C.: Accelerated Development.
This book gives practical intervention and prevention techniques available for
dealing with bullying. It begins by giving a clear picture of who the school
bullies and victims really are and how their problems begin, a well as the
potential dangers they face throughout their lives. A step-by-step model for
helping the victims improve their relationship is then presented. Finally, hands on
actions are offered for school personnel, parents, bullies, victims, and bystanders
that can help to break the cycle at its earliest stages and improve the environment
for everyone.
Hurst, M. (2005). When it comes to bullying, there are no boundaries. Education Week,
24(22), 8. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.
The author notes that bullying is a problem in every school in the world. She
goes on to describe intervention programs worldwide that have helped reduce the
number of incidents in many countries. Scotland and Australia, for example, have
set up government-supported organizations and websites, while the Israel
Ministry of Education has developed extensive teacher training. The article does
not draw any conclusions about the best solutions to the problem. Intended
mainly for teachers and administrators seeking a broad perspective on this issue,
the article does not provide any practical advice for parents or for teachers
looking for classroom intervention practices.

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda