NON-Smoking Policy Statement
GreenStream, in recognition of Health, Safety and Environment concerns, is committed to providing and maintaining a
safe and healthy working environment for all its employees, visitors and contractors.
In line with this commitment GreenStream has adopted a NON-Smoking Policy in the Company premises. Objective of
this policy is to provide a smoke-free environment in all the Company premises, in order to achieve a healthier and
pleasant work place, safeguard non-smokers from the risks to health of passive smoke and protect the Company sites
from increased risk of fire.
All GreenStream premises are designated SMOKE-FREE
Where it is feasible, restricted smoking areas may be designated by the Company, although GreenStream remarks
the harmful effects to health of tobacco smoke, mainly due to increased risk of contracting lung cancer and heart
disease, and encourages those people who wish to quit smoking.
All employees, contractors and visitors are requested to abide with this policy when performing activities in the
GreenStream sites as well as to comply with the NON-smoking policy in force in any other place where they may be
called to perform activities for the Company.
• Smoking is not allowed in any part of the Company premises, except in any restricted smoking area(s) designated
by the Company.
• No restricted smoking area can be designated in work places, operating areas (hazardous and non-hazardous) or
places that must be crossed to reach smoke free areas.
• Smoking is prohibited at all times in shuttle buses.
• In any place, except in restricted smoking area(s), right of no-smokers to breathe clean air prevails over the right of
the smokers to smoke.
• Smokers may have reasonable smoking breaks, provided these are approved by their Supervisor.
• Smokers are invited not to smoke immediately outside the entrances to Company premises.
• A formal review of this policy will be conducted on a periodical basis.
• Employees will be consulted over the results of this policy monitoring and review.
The Managing Director
of GreenStream BV
Stefano Dicorrado
Date: December 2008