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Policy on harassment
1. The Fund's Code of Conduct states that the basic values of impartiality, integrity, and
discretion should govern all aspects of employees' conduct in their work. Employees
are expected to treat one another, whether supervisors, peers, or subordinates, with
courtesy and respect, without harassment, or physical or verbal abuse. They should at
all times avoid behavior at the workplace that may create an atmosphere of hostility
or intimidation. Moreover, in view of the international character of the Fund and the
value that the Fund attaches to diversity, employees are expected to act with
tolerance, sensitivity, respect, and impartiality toward other persons' cultures and
2. Employees of the Fund should not be subjected to harassment in carrying out their
work at headquarters or on mission. Employees should be aware that all forms of
harassment may constitute misconduct, providing a basis for disciplinary action up to
and including termination of employment.
What is harassment?
3. Harassment is behavior, verbal or physical, that unreasonably interferes with work or
creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. It can take many
different forms, including intimidation or sexual harassment.
4. Intimidation includes physical or verbal abuse; behavior directed at isolating or
humiliating an individual or a group, or at preventing them from engaging in normal
activities. Behaviors that might constitute intimidation include, inter alia:
degrading public tirades by a supervisor or colleague;
deliberate insults related to a person's personal or professional competence;
threatening or insulting comments, whether oral or written--including by e-
deliberate desecration of religious and/or national symbols; and

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