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Lost Computer Inventory Form
To be filled out by the Inventory Coordinator:
Inventory Tag number: Fund number:
On back of form list each piece purchased with purchase price.
Do you think the computer is stolen, or are you just unable to locate it?:
To be filled out by the last known user:
Name (last, first):
Phone (with area code): Email:
Last known physical location of computer:
Describe how the computer was used and type
of information stored on it:
Any additional etching or marks to identify the
If last location is on loan, attach signed OFF CAMPUS USE OF EQUIPMENT AGREEMENT
To be filled out by the IT Manager:
Name (last, first):
Phone (with area code): Email:
College or Department:
Police report number [
Fill in after meeting with SDSU police]:
To be filled out by IT support staff: (attach a brief explanation for any items incomplete)
Computer make / model:
If applicable, name of theft recovery software:
Computer serial number:
Computer name:
Tag #:
If a Dell computer is lost, was a stolen computer report filed?
Yes No
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Complete form and send to Finance and Accounting, Inventory Coordinator, MC 1947
ITSO Incident number [
Fill in after meeting with ISO]:
IP Address (or DHCP):
MAC Address (wired): MAC Address (wireless):
Attach last patch report with computer listed
Yes No
Yes No
Attach last anti-malware report with computer listed

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. | Theodore Roosevelt