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Sample Letter to Cancel a Contract
A. Consumer
Consumer’s Street Address
City/Town, Ontario
Postal Code
Your name and address
May 10, 201X,
A. Company
Company’s Street Address
City/Town, Ontario
Postal Code
Company name and address
Dear Sir/Madam:
Last week, on May 5th, I signed a contract in my home to buy a
new vacuum cleaner, model xyz, at a price of $2,000. Today,
I want to cancel that agreement.
Date of the contract
As much detail as possible
(model or other identifying
number that might apply)
I hereby exercise my right to cancel the agreement under the
10-day cooling off provisions of the Consumer Protection Act,
2002 and ask that my $500 deposit be returned to me within
15 days, as required by law.
Your request
I look forward to your prompt reply. You can contact me, if
necessary, at my home telephone number at 905-555-1212 or
my daytime number of 416-555-1212.
Provide contact information
Yours truly,
A. Consumer
A. Consumer
Sign the letter
Send the letter by registered
mail, fax, or courier
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services

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