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Employee of the Year Nominations Requested!
This is a call for nominations for the annual Employee Recognition Award for a co-
worker who exemplifies all that is good about Harcum College. This tribute to our
employee of the year was established in 1998. Harcum’s last recipient was Nikolay
Karpalo. Prior winners have included Joe Donahue, Urick Lewis, Linda Alderman,
Theresa Sims, Steve Kleponis, Joann Mirgliano, Shawn Riley, and Pete Peters. Great
choices all!
The Awards Committee consists of last year’s recipient, Harcum’s Human Resources
Director and the President. We are seeking nominations of those you think have
demonstrated a special dedication and commitment to the institution. Criteria include
performance, teamwork, and service to Harcum.
As has been the case in the past, the nominations process emulates the one used each
spring for the Philip Klein Award that is given to a member of the faculty that is, any
member of the Harcum Community may recommend a candidate for the award as long as
she/he does not directly supervise the nominee nor is a relative.
Please send completed nomination forms (attached) to Judi Bergeron no later than Friday,
April 25. There are so many good people to consider. Give it some thought, and let us
hear from you. Thanks!
Jon Jay DeTemple, Ph.D.

Beware of any enterprise requiring new clothes. | Henry Thoreau