2015–2016 University of Southampton, MSc Sustainable Waste Management
• Relevant modules: bio-processing of waste; integrated waste management;
monitoring, aftercare and residuals management.
• Group project on the processing of hazardous waste.
2011–2015 University of Manchester, MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering (2.1)
• Relevant modules: environmental science; biotechnology; fluid mechanics.
2004–2011 Newton Heath School, Abingdon
• A level Physics (A), Mathematics (A), Chemistry (B)
• 10 GCSEs (grades A* and A)
2015 (October–November) Southampton University Research Institute for a
Sustainable Environment (SUnRISE) – waste management in business course
Attended evening and weekend lectures and tutorials over a six-week period.
• Learned about different elements of a business, working with
departments, implementing ideas and getting people to work with you.
• Networked with key figures in the industry.
2016 (January–March) Three-month masters placement with BioChem
• Completed calculations and subsequent analysis into how the organisation
disposed of the by-products produced.
• Produced a report based on the results that outlined how the organisation
could imple
ment very simple and cost-effective measures to streamline this
work and reduce waste by 40 per cent.
2013–2014 (July–June) Industrial placement with Eastern Electric
• Helped project manage an internal campaign to reduce the amount
of residual energy and workplace waste produced across all of the
organisation’s plants.
• Spent time at each plant planning trials (deciding what should be tested
and how t
o do it), assisting with the trial, making sure that all the
necessary data was collected and the safety procedures followed, and then
analysing the data.
Don’t waste space with your
date of birth, marital status,
state of health or NI number.
Give contact details at which
recruiters can easily get
hold of you. Ensure your
email address sounds
Include university modules
that are relevant to the job
rather than listing them all.
Give your A level subjects
and grades but don’t list
your GCSEs individually.
If you’ve completed relevant
training in addition to your
degree, include it.
Devote plenty of space to
relevant work experience,
highlighting what you
achieved and how it
benefited the company.
Benjamin Jeffries
123 Oak Grove, Southampton SO11 5DK
Phone: 07970 394739