HTML Preview Marketing Audit Evaluation Marketing Plan page number 5.

The marketing audit, in addition to contributing to the strategic and tactical planning
process, will continually monitor the implementation of the marketing programs, and will
advise on significant deviations from the planned expectation with recommendations to allow
for changes to realign activities. The centrality of the marketing audit will allow managers to
use it to develop progressive and comprehensive familiarity with the system within which the
business operates and make it possible for it to provide the most informed, reliable, and
action-oriented recommendations for decision making on all major issues. Indeed, due to its
continuous function and comprehensive and up-to-date nature, the audit can be used to
recommend actions as changes occur in the business environment. At the same time, the
marketing audit function can react to instructions from management in the provision of
specific projects. The system can also provide the facility for progressive marketing
replanning in the light of market evolution.
This paper briefly described the marketing audit as a continual and structured process for
the evaluation of the business performance of the company. Marketing audit is in my opinion
necessary to use for the gain feedback from the realized marketing actions from the previous
planning period before the beginning of the creation new marketing plan. The overall
marketing audit can give the company competitive advantage for the further struggling in the
present unstructured and fast changing business environment.
This contribution is a component presenting the results of research VEGA 1/1203/12 Quality
Management in project management in industrial enterprises, which is solved by Institute of
Industrial Engineering, Management and Quality MTF STU.
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The absolute fundamental aim is to make money out of satisfying customers. | John Egan