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Fr. Antony/ St. Mary s Christmas Letter 2009
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
Our love and Christmas and New Year Greetings from Fr. Antony Xavier Savarimuthu and from
the staff and students of all institutions at St. Mary’s in India.
We have been praying for the nation of United States of America for the financial crisis that is
prevalent there and loss of jobs. Especially the people suffering without enough income to meet
both their ends. We pray that none of our benefactors too suffer this way. This situation has
reflected on our financial position. I think many of our benefactors stopped helping us due to their
personal situations. So we are finding it very hard and yet I do not force or coax anybody to
contribute. On the contrary as soon as we receive a letter from somebody giving some reason for
stopping their help, we only intensify our prayers for them and tell them not to worry. We request
them to take care of themselves. Because I know most of our benefactors are not well to do
people. They do sacrifice to support their children. Still I hope there will be some way or other
through which God in his great mercy and generosity will stand by us. That is our unshakeable
confidence and trust.
I am trying my best to cultivate our lands and get the best possible yield from them. Though our
school lands are one of the best pieces of land in this area, still we have to depend on water. The
water is flowing from the Dam, which is filled by water flowing from the neighboring state. But
the state people do not want to give us water. This year the dam has water only for about a week’s
irrigation. We are anxious and the seasonal rain is very late. When Mr. Ken Egide from Arizona
came here, it was like hot summer. He left on 27
of October, that night onwards we have some
rain. It has been raining past five days continuously. But if it stops then we have to depend on the
dam which is not filled and there is no hope of getting water. So we have to somehow irrigate the
fields through the bore wells. So I go to the fields taking a big stick for support lest I fall down
several times. Unless I go there the workers do not labor and the work is not done properly. I
wish the rain continues for at least 2 months. Then the crops will be success. Otherwise it is
going to be tough. (Update: The rain already stopped.)

You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills. | Jim Rohn