A place for parents to find out more about uni
CRICOS Provider Number: 01595D
Student Budget Worksheet
Use this worksheet to plan all the expenses you expect during university study. You will need to weigh
this up against your expected income to ensure you can afford all your expenses.
Study Costs
Text books / course materials $
Stationery $
Student Services and Amenities fee $
Tuition fees $
Accommodation and Food
Rent $
Bond $
Furniture $
Electricity $
Internet $
Food $
Other $
Personal Expenses
Mobile phone $
Clothing $
Entertainment $
Car servicing, insurance and petrol $
On campus parking $
Medical/dental/optical expenses $
Other $
Total annual expenditure
Average monthly expenditure
Youth Allowance $
Scholarships and bursaries $
Part-time / casual work $
Support from parents $
Other $
Total annual income
Average monthly income