New employee records checklist
Use this checklist to make sure you’re capturing all the information you’ll need for
your employee records. All records must be kept for at least seven years.
Age * If under 20 years old, otherwise optional
Signed employment agreement, including any accompanying role description
Offer letter * Only if no signed employment agreement yet, otherwise optional
Visa showing eligibility to work in NZ * If relevant
Tax code declaration (IR330)
Emergency contact details
Details of agreed wage payment method, such as 'by cash' or a bank account
Leave entitlement anniversary date * This may differ from the anniversary of the start
date due to closedown periods etc
Date of termination * All records must be kept for at least 6 years
Type of employment agreement - individual or collective
Hours worked on those days (including public holidays), including start time,
finish time and any non-paid breaks taken * If paid by the hour, otherwise optional
Days of employment in each pay period
Hours worked doing different roles * Only if employee performs different roles for
different remuneration
Wages paid in each pay period and method of calculation
Dates and payment for holiday, sick or bereavement leave taken
Dates and payment for public holidays worked and not worked (if paid for that day)
Dates of alternative holidays taken or to be taken, and payment for any alternative
holidays paid out
Day or part of a public holiday agreed to be transferred, including relevant dates
(mandatory if applicable)
Payment (including date of payment) and amount of annual holidays cashed-up in each
entitlement year
Current entitlement to holiday leave