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352 High Street
EXHIBIT A Wrightstown, WI 54180
Phone – 920-532-5567
Fax – 920-532-4564
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Office of the Clerk/Treasurer
Village Administrator
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer I, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer II
The Village Clerk-Treasurer has frequent contact with Village staff and board members; all Village independent
contractors; other local, county and state government officials and agencies; various consultants, developers,
engineers and vendors; and other persons requiring information.
The Village Clerk-Treasurer shall be responsible for performing those duties required by Sec. 61.25 and 61.26 of the
Wisconsin Statutes and for the water and wastewater utility accounting/billing responsibilities. The Village Clerk-
Treasurer works under the direction of the Village Administrator to carry out the day-to-day administrative tasks
associated with municipal government.
This position performs a variety of responsible administrative duties in maintaining official records, issuing licenses,
conducting and overseeing all Village, State and Federal elections. The Clerk is required to attend the meetings of
the Village Board, Board of Review and other meetings as assigned. The position is responsible for the maintenance
of official records of proceedings and other official Village records that are required.
To attend all meetings of the Village Board and maintain a complete journal of the proceedings of that
body, unless otherwise directed by the Village Administrator; and
To perform any duties prescribed by law relative to elections; to keep subject to inspection all election
returns required to be filed in the Clerk’s office; to notify persons elected or appointed to Village offices; to
transmit to the County Clerk, within 10 days after election or appointment and qualification, a certified
statement of the name and term for which elected or appointed, of the President, Clerk, Treasurer, and
Assessor; to the Clerk of the Circuit Court immediately after their election or appointment and
qualification, a like statement of the time and term for which elected or appointed of every Municipal
Judge, and
To be the custodian of the corporate seal and to file as required by law and to safely keep all Records,
Books, Papers or Property belonging to, filed, or deposited in the Clerk’s Office, and deliver the same to the
Clerk’s successor when qualified; and to keep a record of all Licenses, Commissions, and Permits granted
or authorized by the Village Board and the purpose for which they have been issued; and
To make a Village Tax Roll and to deliver to the County Treasurer, on forms provided by the Wisconsin
Department of Revenue, a Statement showing the total amount of all taxes levied in the Village; and
Village of
EST. 1901

Beware of any enterprise requiring new clothes. | Henry Thoreau