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NxLeveL™ Sample Entrepreneur Business Plan
Magellan Construction – May 1999 – Page 1
4016 E. 0 St.
Shanoah, WY 00801
(000) 555-1979
Paul Magellan, Owner Roger Magellan, Owner
4016 E. 0 St. 7222 Can Rd.
Shanoah, WY 00801 Shanoah, WY 00802
May 1999
About this Sample Entrepreneur Business Plan:
The following sample NxLeveL™ Entrepreneur Business Plan was originally written by a class participant,
and subsequently modified to protect proprietary information. As it is primarily a student’s work, it is not
represented to be a “perfect” business plan, although the presentation is in keeping with the NxLeveL™
format and content. It can be used as a sample of what a business plan might contain, and as a model for
constructing the various sections.
Your instructor may ask that you review certain sections and suggest improvements, modifications or
additions. The purpose of each individual business plan may be different, with varied intended readers. You
may also be asked to discuss what information might need to be included or deleted based on the purpose of
the plan.
©March 2000 NxLeveL ™ Training Network . All rights reserved. No part of this Sample Business Plan may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transcribed in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) for
personal use outside of the
NxLeveL ™ Training Programs , without the prior written permission of the publishers, NxLeveL ™ Training
Network , University of Colorado at Denver, Campus Box 128, P.O. Box 173364, Denver, Colorado 80217-3364
Phone: 800-873-9378 Fax: 303-556-6651

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. | Dwight Eisenhower