Introduction to Research Paper Writing
The purpose of research writing is to collect, present, and interact with what
is known about a topic. Primary research is “firsthand”—original research
that generates new knowledge, such as scientific studies, social science
surveys or case studies, and so on. Most college papers do not involve this
kind of research. Secondary research is much more common. This is
done by reading and organizing materials generated by others’ studies.
(Most lower division college research papers are secondary research;
primary research writing always begins with a survey of already-published
research, often called a “review of related literature” or “lit review.”) Since
this kind of writing is using materials that others have developed and
published, it is very important to document and cite the sources of material
used in writing. If sources are not documented and given proper credit, the
result is plagiarism. Plagiarism may not be intentional, but it is still a
serious problem. Passing off ideas, concepts, and data as one’s own is a
violation of intellectual integrity. It amounts to theft of intellectual property.
For many reasons, then, it is critically important to learn how to properly use
material collected in research.
The appropriate presentation of research content uses proper format. The
format, or style, of a paper refers to the systematic way in which research
materials are documented and cited. The documentation of sources used in
a paper is commonly known as a bibliography. This term traditionally
refers to books, but it has come to include all kinds of information resources,
including books, periodicals, newspapers, electronic databases, Internet
sources, printed materials of all types, electronic media (CDs, DVDs,
broadcast radio and television, and so on). When a writer uses any source
to gain information or ideas, the source must be acknowledged. This is, of
course, intellectually honest, but in addition it provides necessary
information about sources to the reader of a paper, who may desire to look
up additional information. The format and title of the bibliography will be
discussed shortly. In addition to a list of sources, the writer needs to
acknowledge sources
as the materials are used in the paper’s presentation
Citations of sources in a paper are commonly called footnotes or in-text
citations. It is
enough to list sources in the bibliography. The paper
must provide information about the source of ideas and information as it
, whether they are directly quoted or paraphrased
. Improper
documentation and citation in writing is plagiarism. It is not dishonest to
use others’ ideas and knowledge; it is dishonest to misrepresent others’
ideas as one’s own, whether this is done accidentally or intentionally.
Ultimately, the writer’s intent is beside the point: plagiarism is plagiarism.
In order to present and discuss research appropriately, then, it is critically
important to learn research paper formats and styles. There are several
style guides or research paper formats. Each system has its purposes and
limitations, and many people feel very strongly that a particular one is
“best.” Just as there are many guidelines and regulations to learn in various
professions, it is important to learn how to present research in the most
suitable way in various academic disciplines. Familiarity with style guides is
important, but it is unwise to become unduly worried; rather, it is better to
learn to access and apply the requirements of each style guide as needed.
With experience, it is possible to become quite proficient in writing research
papers. The two most common styles are APA and MLA. (Note: CBE and
Chicago styles are often used as well, and there are “hybrid” styles that
combine elements of different systems. Also, some aspects of APA or MLA
may not always be emphasized. So it is important to learn the expectations
of an instructor, department, or class.) APA refers to the format developed
by the American Psychological Association for presentation of research
findings. APA guidelines are commonly used in the social sciences. MLA
refers to the format developed by the Modern Language Association. MLA
guidelines are commonly used in various areas of the humanities. This
packet is an introduction to APA and MLA formats, providing a sample paper
formatted in each style. In the center column between the two formats,
there are comments and explanations. In such a brief introduction, it is
impossible to go over every aspect of APA and MLA formats, since there are
so many ways of documenting so many types of sources. This introduction
is intended to provide an overview and examples so that students can get
the general idea of what is involved in a research paper. It will still be
necessary to consult style guides to provide answers to many “But what
if…?” questions about how to handle specific issues not covered in this