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2200 Rainier Ave So, Seattle, WA 98144 | 206-233-0156 |
Sponsorship Application
To become a Parent Trust for Washington Children sponsor for one of our
expectant & new parent education programs, please review the program
sponsorship information and submit the following items:
Completed sponsorship application
Signed logo authorization form
Web quality and print quality logo (unless Shooting Stars or Product
sponsor) email to [email protected]
Check to Parent Trust for Washington Children for sponsorship amount
For additional help or information on program sponsorships, please contact
Parent Trust’s Development Coordinator, Meghan Stobbe, at (206) 233-0156 ext
Please fill out completely:
Date: Business Name:
Contact Person:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone: Email:
Primary Industry:
Anticipated Start & End Date of Sponsorship:
(Sponsorships are for one year to six months depending on level)
Sponsorship Level:
New Horizons (Industry Exclusive) - $1,250 (one year)
Great Expectations - $650 (one year)
Bookmark - $650 (one year & available only with Great Starts Sponsorship)
Labor of Love - $250 (six months)
Shooting Stars - $100 (six months)
Product Sponsor (six months)
Fair market value of in-kind product donated: $
Description of product donated:

Are you a serial idea–starting person? The goal is to be an idea–shipping person. | Seth Godin