Veterans Day Friday, November 11 12:00PM Thursday, November 10 Thru Friday, November 11
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 24 12:00PM Wednesday, November 23 Thru Thursday, November 24
Christmas Day** Monday, December 26 12:00PM Friday, December 23 Thru Monday, December 26
Calendar Year 2017 - Legal Public Holidays
New Year's Day** Monday, January 2
12:00PM Friday, December 30 Thru Monday, January 2
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Monday, January 16
12:00PM Friday, January 13 Thru Monday, January 16
Inauguration Day*** Friday, January 20
12:00AM Tuesday, January 17 Thru Tuesday, January 24
Washington's Birthday Monday, February 20
12:00PM Friday, February 17 Thru Monday, February 20
D.C. Emancipation Day** Monday , April 17
12:00PM Friday, April 14 Thru Monday, April 17
Memorial Day Monday , May 29
12:00PM Friday, 26 Thru Monday, May 29
Independence Day Tuesday, July 4
12:00pm Monday July 3 Thru Tuesday, July 4
Labor Day Monday, September 4
12:00pm Friday, September 1 Thru Monday, September 4
Columbus Day Monday, October 9
12:00pm Friday, October 6 Thru Monday, October 9
Veterans Day Friday, November 10
12:00pm Thursday, November 9 Thru Friday, November 10
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 23
12:00PM Wednesday, November 22 Thru Thursday, November 23
Christmas Day Monday, December 25
12:00PM Friday, December 22 Thru Monday, December 25
*The legal public holiday is Saturday, it will be observed on the proceeding Friday.
**The legal public holiday is Sunday, it will be observed on the following Monday.
***NOTE: In 2017, Inauguration Day will be recognized as a legal public holiday and observed on January 20, 2017
Public Space Suspension of Work
Calendar Year 2016 - Legal Public Holidays
2017 District of Columbia Public Holiday & DDOT Public Space Suspension of Work Calendar
In observance of the public holiday and pursuant to section 103.01 Article 17 item C of the District’s Manual for Standard Specifications for Highways and Structures, there will be a
suspension of work in the District of Columbia. Lane closures and public space restrictions are not allowed for non-emergency work on roadways and sidewalks within the District’s
public right-of-way. This includes manhole access. Approved activities may resume the day after the public holiday, during permitted work hours.
In addition to the above legal holidays, the Mayor (or his or her designee) may designate other days or portions of a day as a legal public holiday.
Failure to comply with a Suspension of Work Order, is a violation of District of Columbia Municipal Regulations. This violation may result in the revocation all public space permits and
the assessment of associated fines.
Public Space Suspension of Work