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Covering Letter/Letter of Application Example
16 Northgate Road
SY23 4EZ
Tel: 01970 123456
Ms Katherine Burne-Jones
Human Resources Manager
UK Engineering Ltd
Eastgate Business Centre
10 October 2014
Dear Ms Burne-Jones,
10 Week Graduate Management Placement - Finance
Having seen your advertisement on the Careers Service website at Aberystwyth University, I would like to be
considered for the above placement. I am currently in the second year of a BA (Hons) Management and Finance
degree and enclose my CV for your consideration.
My degree programme has given me a good grounding in management principles, and I have developed a
balanced appreciation of both the theoretical concepts and practical application of finance as well as an
understanding of how finance interfaces with other aspects of business and management, whilst my elective
modules (International Finance and Quantitative Methods) reflect my enthusiasm for the development of
financial systems in a multi-currency world.
Allied to this, my work experience with Brown and Black gave me an insight into practical administrative
procedures and I was pleased to be able to contribute to the efficiency of the office by revising the partners
scheduling system - this, I understand, is still in place. Having developed my teamworking skills playing hockey
for the University (2
) squad I was then nominated, and elected, as club treasurer. Through this position of
responsibility I have been liaising effectively with both the Students’ Union and university finance officers.
Membership of the Officer Training Corps entails a heavy time commitment but effective time management has
allowed me to succeed in all aspects: meeting all module deadlines, achieving an average 2:1 in my course to
date and taking on responsibility for organising the OTC’s successful three peaks night hike over New Year.
Having developed a number of skills via a short placement with a local accountancy firm, I would now like to
gain further commercial experience in an international environment. A placement with UK Engineering Ltd
would offer a challenging and rewarding opportunity with a highly respected industry leader. Your recently
announced expansion into the defence sector is of great interest and I am particularly keen to learn more
about the financial and management challenges presented by these developments. I trust that I would be able
to offer you the benefit of the skills and experiences I have gained to date, which will allow me to contribute
effectively to your organisation .
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the post and my application in more detail and look forward to
hearing from you at your convenience.
Yours sincerely,
Sue Thomas (Ms)
(Enc: CV)

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. | Charles Darwin