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EDItX XML transaction message formats
Version 1.0, 10 March 2009
The EDItX Sales Report format is intended to be used by a retailer, distributor or other intermediary
(hereafter simply “seller”), or by an agent reporting on their behalf, to report sales to a publisher or
content owner (hereafter simply “publisher”). Such sales reports are the basis on which payments
are made to the publisher, either by the seller or, if the seller is a branch of a larger organization that
purchases centrally, by the central “buyer”. The format was originally developed
for use in the
ebook supply chain in North America, but minor adaptations have made it suitable for use in both
digital and non-digital book product supply chains. It is intended that the format be implemented in
digital, non-digital or mixed book product supply chains, depending upon local market requirements.
The format allows these reporting options:
1. Each report line may list an individual transaction, or it may provide a total of all transactions
for a given (identified) tradeable product under a given class of sale during the reporting
period specified in the message header.
2. Classes of sale may be defined by trading partners to reflect the details of the arrangements
which they have negotiated. Additionally, a few standard classes of sale are defined:
publisher internal, review copies, wholesale, retail, export, agency. However, some classes
of sale other than wholesale and retail may need added content that is not available in
Version 1.0. Such added content will be included in a future release.
3. The monetary amounts due to the publisher may be calculated on the basis of an agreed net
unit cost, or on the basis of a discount from either the publisher’s list price or the seller’s
actual sale price. In addition a seller’s fee may be deducted from the price. Where there is
both a discount on price and a seller’s fee, the discounted price must be calculated before
the fee is deducted.
4. It is also possible to use the format to identify sales by retail outlet, either as individual
transactions or by aggregating all transactions for a given format of a given title through
each retail outlet.
It is fundamental that reports should tally precisely with related payments, to make reconciliation as
simple as possible. Depending on trading partner agreement, calculation of the amounts due to the
publisher may be carried out and stated explicitly at line level, with a message total representing the
sum of the line item amounts; or calculation may be carried out only at message level. If line level
sub-totals are stated in the message, they must be shown with sufficient decimal places to ensure
that, when added, they match the message total, without rounding discrepancies.
The XML schema for Version 1.0 of the EDItX Sales Report format will be found at
Published by BISG, BIC and EDItEUR in 2003 as the EDItX Digital Sales Report format Version 1.0.
Copyright 2003–2009 BISG, BIC and EDItEUR. This EDItX XML transaction message standard was developed
jointly by BISAC, a division of Book Industry Study Group (US), Book Industry Communication (UK) and
EDItEUR (the international standards group for books and serials).

I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. | Robert Bosch