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Defense | Energy | Information Management | National Security | Space | Transportation
Business Case Analysis (BCA) provides decision makers with quantitative, return-on-investment metrics to
proactively manage the allocation of capital assets across their investment portfolio; through the process of
integrating project cost, benefit, schedule, and risk into an evaluation of overall value across a range of potential
investment alternatives,
Our Response
Leveraging our long history of providing financial analysis, cost estimating, opera-
tions research and risk analysis support to major constituents in the government,
MCR integrates best practices to develop comprehensive BCA and provide superior
guidance to our customers. Our products are complete, concise, credible, and defen
sible. Government leaders are provided with the right information they need to make
best value choices.
The FAAs Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) represents the transformation of the
National Airspace System (NAS), including our national system of airports, using 21
century technolo-
gies to ensure future safety, capacity and environmental needs are met. Business case and operational
impact assessments are essential to properly guiding the evolution of the system. MCR was a key con
tributor to the Surveillance and Broadcast Services System (SBS), the $1.7B transformation of the NAS
from radar to satellite-based surveillance and produced the analysis to justify a new service provider
acquisition approach to maximize value for the FAA and the taxpayer. MCR continues to serve as a
partner with the FAA in applying BCA methods to support major evolving NextGen technologies across
communications, surveillance, navigation, weather and aeronautical information dissemination projects.
The Federal Government
must successfully navigate the
tradespace between cost, benefit
and risk to deliver best-value
solutions to our nation’s challenges.
MCR’s BCA led to 70
successful acquisition
milestones across
more than 40 FAA
investment programs
SBS: Cornerstone
to FAA’s NextGen
The Challenge
The Federal Government must eectively manage its portfolio
of capital assets to ensure scarce public resources are wisely
invested. A data-driven determination of best-value is vital to pri
oritizing investment alternatives. All Executive Branch agencies
are subject to the requirement of using BCA methods, when de
veloping policy and budget justification principles for new and
existing major investments. BCA informs critical choices:
Where do we best allocate our resources?
Will the new design or program justify the investment?
Should we lease or buy the equipment?
Should we continue to modernize and sustain the existing
equipment or replace?
Choosing the proper path requires collaborative problem
solving, analytical rigor and innovative thinking. As dis
cretionary budgets tighten, the ability to communicate the
worth of any particular program to key stakeholders is re
quired in order to achieve success.

I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. | Robert Bosch