HTML Preview Budget Calendar page number 1.

April 18 Board reviews the 2017 budget plan.
May 16 - May 20 Director of Finance and Administration discusses target budgets and
2017 budget plan with department heads and elected officials.
June 17 Elected officials and department heads submit applications for the
innovation investment program projects to Finance.
June 17 Elected officials and department heads submit requests for Buildings
and Grounds special projects to Finance.
June 17 Elected officials and department heads submit phone service
requests to Phone Services.
June 17 Elected officials and department heads submit new position requests
and any reclassification requests to Human Resources.
June 17 Elected officials and department heads submit requests for
information technology services requests to Information Technology.
June 17 Elected officials and department heads submit requests for vehicles
to the Controller.
July 7 Submit budget request to Director of Finance and Administration
July 7 - September 16 Finance office review.
September 20 Early warning budget work session and community agency requests.
September 20 Budget Message to Board and transmit Proposed Budget to
October 18 and 20 Budget work session hearings with Commissioners and elected
officials and department heads.
November 6 Publish notice of final budget hearing.
October 21 - December 13 Prepare final budget.
December 14 Public Hearing to adopt mill levy.
December 14 Public Hearing on Final Budget, 9:00 a.m.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. | Albert Einstein