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Personal Accident Insurance
Policy Schedule 2016-17
Insurer: Accident & Health International Underwriting Pty Ltd
Underwritten for and on behalf of CGU Insurance Limited
Policy Number: 0024498
Insured: Duck For Cover Entertainers Group Inc and Committee
Members (including new members from the date they join
during the period of insurance)
Insured Persons: As per attaching Schedule
Period of Insurance: From: 1st day of June 2016 at 12.00 am
To: 12th day of August 2017 at 4.00 pm
Insured Events
Each insured person
Death & Capital Benefits Sum Insured $50,000
(Insured Events 1-19)
Insured Event 20 Temporary Total
85% of average gross weekly Salary to a maximum of
Disablement caused by Injury
(except Group Volunteer Performers insured under this
policy who will be insured for 85% of average gross
weekly Salary to a maximum of $250)
Gross Weekly Salary means It is hereby declared and agreed that the definition of
Income shall read as follows and not as stated in the
1. If You are an employee, Your gross weekly rate of pay
derived from personal exertion as a performer/artist
exclusive of bonuses, commission, overtime payments
and any allowances;
2. If You are not an employee, Your gross weekly Income
derived from personal exertion as a performer/artist
after deducting any expenses necessarily incurred by
You in deriving that Income.
3. If you are Volunteer of an Insured group Your gross
weekly Income after deducting any expenses
necessarily incurred by You in deriving that Income.

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