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Sample Budget Calendar
Sample Dates
1. Appoint budget officer. December 7
2. Appoint budget committee members. January 5
3. Prepare proposed budget. February 28
4. Print 1st notice of budget committee meeting March 16
(not more than 30 days before the meeting).
5. Print 2nd notice of budget committee meeting March 24
(at least 5 days after 1st notice, but not less than 5 days before the meeting).
6. Budget committee meets. March 30
7. Budget committee meets again, if needed. April 6
8. Publish notice of budget hearing (5 to 30 days before the hearing). April 19
9. Hold budget hearing (governing body). May 4
10. Enact resolutions to: June 29
Adopt Budget
Make appropriations
Impose and categorize taxes.
11. Submit tax certification documents to the assessor by July 15. July 12

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. | Denis Waitley