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Aircraft Acquisition Agreement
This Agreement is made between the undersigned parties as to the date of its execution. Client agrees to
retain Dallas Aircraft Sales hereinafter referred to as Agent, to assist Client in the location, selection and
acquisition or lease of a corporate aircraft, and accordingly grants to Agent the exclusive right to locate and
manage the acquisition of an aircraft suitable to Client.
Agent agrees to conduct a worldwide research effort to aid Client in the location and acquisition of a
suitable aircraft. To this end Agent will prepare such material as letters, faxes, mailers and a summary of
technical requirements indicating the specific needs of the Client and will distribute such to sellers or
lessors of aircraft. Such distribution will be made to persons on Agent’s proprietary mailing lists and to
other prospective sellers in the manner deemed most appropriate by Agent.
Client agrees that it will not directly or indirectly purchase or lease, or in any manner attempt to negotiate
the purchase or lease of any aircraft during the term of this Agreement except through the services of Agent
and will inform Agent of any aircraft offered to them by any third party.
Any offer or contract to purchase an aircraft shall be between Client and the seller of the aircraft, unless
Dallas Aircraft Sales is specifically requested to act as intermediary and make said offer on behalf of Client.
Agent shall review, consult and advise as required, but is not authorized by this Agreement to make or
fulfill any contracts or Agreements on behalf of Client unless specifically instructed to do so in writing,
wherein it is clearly defined that Client is solely responsible for meeting the terms and conditions of any
offer or contract made. All funds to be utilized for the acquisition of an aircraft will be handled through the
escrow agent Aero Space Reports Title Service in Oklahoma City, OK.
Client agrees to pay Agent a fee for its services in the amount of 2.0% (Two Percent) of the gross purchase
price and/or 10% (Ten Percent) for lease rentals of any aircraft Client purchases or leases during the term of
this Agreement, or within six months after termination of this Agreement if such purchase or lease is made
from any party which was contacted by Agent on Client’s behalf. Client further agrees to compensate
Agent for any and all expenses incurred as a direct result of the acquisition process conducted on behalf of
the Client. Client agrees to pay Agent through escrow any and all commissions and expenses owed, at time
of closing.
This Agreement will remain in effect for a period of 30 days from the date hereof. This Agreement will be
automatically renewed on a month-to-month basis unless written notice of termination is given by either
Party at least 10 days prior to the expiration of the initial term hereof or prior to the expiration of any
renewal term hereof, if applicable.
The terms and conditions of this Agreement are to remain confidential and known only to the parties to this
transaction as information contained within is regarded as proprietary.
BY: _______________________________ BY: ______________________________
NAME: ____________________________ NAME: ___________________________
TITLE: ____________________________ TITLE: ___________________________
DATE: _____________________________ DATE: ____________________________

Look well to this day. Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day. | Francis Gray