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Extra Hours and Overtime Policy
The College recognizes that additional time beyond the regular work day may be required occasionally to
meet departmental needs. This policy addresses those situations.
The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) mandates that non-exempt (hourly) employees who are
paid on an hourly basis must be paid for all time worked. These employees are paid for a standard work
week of 35 hours at their regularly hourly rate. Extra time, up to 40 hours per week, also is paid at that
rate. Time over 40 hours is paid at the overtime rate of time and a half. Failure to pay non-exempt
(hourly) employees according to this schedule is a violation of federal law. To ensure that the College
properly compensates employees for time worked, they are obligated to enter all time worked on their
timecards, and the College is obligated to provide pay according to the FLSA.
“Comp Time” Prohibited
Regular hours and extra hours, including overtime hours, submitted on the employee’s time sheet should
always accurately reflect the hours worked. All time worked must be identified on the timesheet for the
workweek during which those hours were worked.
The College does not allow “comp time” (hours allowed as “make up time off” outside of the week when
extra hours were worked) as it is in violation of the FLSA.
Additional Time Request and Approval
A non-exempt employee must request additional time needed to complete work from a supervisor prior to
working additional hours.
A supervisor may require an employee to work additional hours. However, every effort should be made
to accommodate the employee’s schedule and obligations outside of work.
Approval for additional hours worked should be sent to the employee in writing noting extra time approved
and for what purpose.
Overtime hours must be approved in email or hardcopy with the following information: (1) approved
day(s) on which overtime will be worked, (2) total hours authorized, and (3) tasks requiring overtime.
Ongoing Additional Time
Employees should not expect or be expected to routinely work overtime. Ongoing work beyond standard
hours should be addressed with the assistance of Human Resources and the divisional head.
Funding Additional Time
Funding for occasional additional time worked must be made available in the departmental or divisional
budget. The College does not maintain a budget for this purpose.
Options for Reducing Additional Work Time
Occasional modifications of the workday work hours are permitted with supervisor approval to allow non-
exempt employees to modify their start or end time. Any modification must be made within the same
work week (Sunday Saturday) and additional uncompensated time worked may not be carried over as
“comp time” to any other work week. If a non-exempt employee works, they must be paid for the time

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