HTML Preview Performance Development Action Plan page number 1.

Introduction and Context
The NSW Department of Education and Communities is committed to attracting,
inducting, developing and recognising a high performing workforce.
Effective performance and development requires a collaborative and supportive
workplace committed to a positive culture of ongoing learning by individuals and
All teachers have a right to be supported in their professional learning, as well as a
responsibility to be involved in performance and development processes that
facilitate their professional growth and the provision of quality teaching and learning,
consistent with the NSW Department of Education and Communities’ policies, aims
and strategic directions and school plan.
This Performance and Development Framework is referenced in the Terms of
Settlement (27 November 2013) for the Salaries and Conditions Award 2014-2016
for teachers in the NSW Teaching Service. It replaces previous processes outlined
under the Teacher Assessment and Review Schedule, Executive Assessment and
Review Schedule, Principal Assessment and Review Schedule and Officer
Assessment and Review Schedule.
The overarching purpose of the performance and development process is to support
the ongoing improvement of student outcomes through continuous development of a
skilled, effective and professional teaching workforce.
The performance and development process for the principal, executive or teacher is
a positive developmental activity that is intrinsically linked to the policies, aims and
strategic directions of the NSW Department of Education and Communities, and
reflected in school planning processes.
The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, as referenced in the Terms of
Settlement (27 November 2013) for the Salaries and Conditions Award 2014-2016,
form the basis for guiding development and assessing performance.
Probation, induction, accreditation, career pathways and leadership development are
all features of a teacher’s career cycle that are supported by ongoing performance
and development processes.
This framework provides simple, adaptable information and tools that support
principals, executives and teachers to sustain a positive and collaborative
performance and development culture in their workplace.
Performance and Development Process
Effective performance and development processes are based on three distinct yet
interdependent phases:

The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer. | Nolan Bushnell