HTML Preview Church Membership Termination Letter page number 1.

(904) 261-4741 941017 Old Nassauville Rd Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
February 7, 2013
City, State, Zip
Dear _____________,
Our records indicate that you have not shared in worship with us for at least a year. In an effort to ensure
a more accountable church membership we are seeking to contact nearly 2000 people, who like yourself,
have neglected assembling with us and participating in the fellowship. We are concerned and want to
make sure you have some source of support in your Christian faith. Our Bylaws define a member as
either Active or Inactive and the circumstances and procedures of how to terminate a membership and
be removed from our rolls.
2.2.1 Active Membership
Active membership shall be defined as one who attends and supports the Church by participation
and contributions and seeks to promote the spiritual growth and welfare of the church family,
and will agree to abide with the Constitution and Bylaws of Springhill Baptist Church. Such a
member shall be considered a member in good standing.
2.2.2 Inactive Membership
Inactive membership shall be those who do not meet the definition of Active Membership. Such
status shall be recommended by the Council of Elders and voted on by the congregation at one of
the designated business meetings. If an evaluation of inactivity is determined by the Council of
Elders, an effort will be made to meet with that member to ascertain if there is just cause for
inactivity. If after counsel, no just cause is determined, that member may be deemed “inactive.
An inactive member may petition the Council of Elders, either verbally or in writing. After a
ninety (90) day probation and having met the terms of active membership as defined above, the
Council of Elders will bring the member before the congregation for recommendation at a
regular designated business meeting for consideration and vote by the congregation.
2.5 Termination of Membership
1. Death -The name of a member shall be removed from the church roll upon verification of
their death.
2. Transfer - Any active member may request that a letter of membership be transferred to
another fellowship of like faith. No letter will be granted to a member who is under the
corrective discipline of this church.
3. Removal. Any member upon verification will be removed from the membership roll, if
they have:
a. Moved from the community and no longer attend Springhill Baptist Church.
b. Joined or regularly attend another church.
c. Has been an inactive member for a consecutive 3 year period.

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. | Theodore Roosevelt