HTML Preview Workshop Invitation Letter page number 1.

c/o Cook-Jackson, Inc. 504 E. 42
Street, Austin TX 78751 (512) 380-0878
Fossil Productivity Committee
Outage Forum
April 22, 2013
On behalf of the Fossil Productivity Committee (FPC), we would like to invite you to the
2013 Fossil Outage Forum Workshop on June 24 – 26 at the DoubleTree Nashville
Downtown in Nashville, Tennessee.
The workshop will provide a forum for outage management peers to exchange experiences,
best practices, and ideas related to current and emerging issues associated with outage
planning and execution.
The meeting will begin on the afternoon of Monday, June 24, followed by a “meet and greet”
reception in the evening. Workshop sessions will continue the next morning and will
adjourn at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, June 26. Plans for the agenda include
Presentations of outage case studies, success stories, and lessons learned
A review of the latest submittals to the Outage Metrics Database and recognition of top
performers in outage management
Panel discussion and roundtables on outage cost control, outage safety, scope control,
and managing contractors
The workshop registration fee for delegates from EUCG member utilities is $285. The fee
for delegates from non-member organizations is $350. Registration includes meeting
materials; the reception on June 24; and breakfast, lunch, and breaks while the workshop is
in session. The deadline for workshop registration is Friday, June 7, 2013.
A tentative workshop agenda and travel and accommodation information are included with
this invitation. Links to information about hotel reservations and a downloadable
workshop registration form can be found on the EUCG website (

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. | Bill Gates