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Cover letter: Masters student
December 2015
Mrs S Reilly
PDF Engineering
The Highway
Job reference: Graduate trainee manager vacancy
Dear Mrs Reilly,
I am writing to apply for the graduate trainee manager role at PDF Engineering, as
advertised on The Guardian website. I have attached my CV to accompany this letter.
I graduated this summer with an MSc in Management at the University of Edinburgh and am
currently seeking a role that will allow me to use the technical knowledge gained from my
first degree in mechanical engineering and my subsequent Masters qualification. The
trainee manager position at PDF Engineering appears to offer exactly this and I feel that I
have a lot to bring to the role.
From my CV, I hope you can appreciate my commitment to a career in management. I have
spent the last year focusing on this discipline and really developing my knowledge and skills
in this area.
My MSc allowed me to develop my communication skills and I have enjoyed building
relationships with the wide range of students and staff that were part of the programme. I
enjoy working with people, leading teams and presenting a considered point of view all
skills relevant to the trainee manager role at PDF Engineering.
I also have experience of leading a team, notably the team leader role I undertook as part of
the university’s ‘Management Challenge’ in 2014. This was a demanding role that included:
project management; team management and motivation; prioritisation; and presentation
skills. As a member of the winning team, I was delighted to have played a part in our success.
Indeed, I am a responsible and motivated individual who would welcome the opportunity to
train, and work towards becoming, a future manager at PDF Engineering. I look forward to
discussing my application in further detail at the interview.
Yours sincerely,
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Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. | Vince Lombardi