Regular Diet
Fruits All types 2 or more servings
Citrus or high 1 serving equals:
vitamin C fruit ½ cup fruit,
daily 1 medium fresh fruit or
4 ounces fruit juice
Vegetables All types, including 3 or more servings
potatoes, corn, lima 1 serving equals:
beans, peas; legumes, 1 cup chopped raw; or
dark green leafy or ½ cup cooked; or 4–6
yellow vegetables ounces vegetable juice
(3-4 times a week)
Soups All types As desired
1 serving equals:
6 ounces
Bread, Cereal All types, especially 6 or more servings
& Grains whole grains 1 serving equals:
1 slice of bread;
3/4 cup ready to
eat cereal;
½ cup cooked cereal;
½ cup rice, or
½ cup pasta
Fats Oils, soft margarine, As needed for adequate
butter, (avoid trans-fat) caloric intake
Desserts All types As desired for adequate
caloric intake
Beverages All types, include 8 or As needed to meet
more cups of water fluid requirement
or other fluids per day
Miscellaneous Sugar, condiments, jam, As desired for flavor and
jelly, preserves, syrup, palatability
sweets, herbs, spices,
flavorings, salt, pepper