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Board Resolution
(On Company Letterhead)
Certified true copy of the Board Resolution of the board of
director of ______________________________________
(the company) passed at a meeting of the board held on
_________________ (dated) at the registered office of the
company at _________________________________________(Address)
and duly recorded in the Minute Book of the company.
Resolved that the company opens an account with RIDDISIDDHI
BULLIONS LTD for doing transactions in the RSBL Spot
Precious-metals Online Trading.
Resolved further that the said account be operated by
(Name)(Designation) (should be a director or senior officer)
For the purpose of doing business on RSBL Spot Precious-
metals Online Trading.
Resolved further that Mr.____________________ and
Mr._____________________ (Designation) (authorised person
name again). Be and are hereby authorised to execute all
necessary documents on behalf of the company and to do all
such acts as required from time to time, enable RIDDISIDDHI
BULLIONS LTD To open account of the Company and to do
business and execute transactions on behalf of the company
For ___________________________

Early to bed and early to rise probably indicates unskilled labor. | John Ciardi