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Materials created/adapted by Bob Leadbetter
CASHEE Persuasive Essay
Into Activities:
Have students list and describe (in written form) the techniques they commonly
use to persuade or convince people to do or believe something. Think of how they try to
influence their parents or friends.
Have them share and discuss with class.
What is the purpose of making an argument? To convince someone that you are right
Ask students what things they have argued about recently, and with whom. Answers
would include grades, curfew, dating, music, movies, sports, and parents, friends,
teachers, girlfriend/boyfriend, siblings.
In a persuasive essay you have to convince total strangers—using nothing but your
writing skills and whatever facts you can call upon to back you up.
Review Writing Essays
The 4-Step Method for Writing Essays
Step 1 Introduce the topic, then write a thesis statement that takes a clear and
definite position. (Introductory Paragraph)
Step 2 Support your thesis statement with reasons and details. (Body Paragraph)
Step 3 Re-state your thesis statement and plug it back into the topic. (Conclusion)
Step 4 Proofread what you have written for spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and
sentence structure.
Make sure to do prewriting activities before you ever start to write an essay

Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it. | Chinese Proverb