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Student Organization Email Account Form
Student Organizations may possess a Network ID and accounts through UITS, which will allow student organizations to obtain an
email address and server space to house a website. To apply for an email or web account your student organization must be
registered on myINvolvement and must have a full-time IU faculty/staff advisor. Both of these conditions must continue to be met for
the email address and account to remain valid.
Name of Organization (as listed in myINvolvement)
Proposed Username (“IU” can NOT be used in the username unless your organization is already
listed as ‘Indiana University XYZ Club’ in myINvolvement)
3-8 letters or numbers, starting with a letter:
Student Organization Email Accounts must be sponsored by a faculty or full-time staff
member. Please complete the fields below:
Faculty/Staff Advisor Name:
Academic Department/Administrative Unit:
10 Digit IU ID Number
By signing this form I accept responsibility as the faculty/staff advisor for this organization and
confirm that the above information is the correct and current contact information for this
Student Organization.
Signature: Date:
SLL Office Use Only:
Registered? Date Rcvd Approved by
Student Life & Learning
IMU Suite 371

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations. | Steve Jobs