Promotion / Retirement Ceremony Checklist
Promotion Ceremony For: ____________________________ Project Officer:
POC (Phone): Date / Time / Location:
Based on approved promotion/retirement date, select a presiding officer and
coordinate to determine date and time for ceremony
Decide where ceremony/reception will be held and reserve room(s)
If ceremony is outdoors, have inclement weather location determined/reserved
Status of decoration for retiree, if applicable
Order Promotion/Retirement Certificates and Presidential certificate, if applicable
(for retiree/spouse, as applicable)
Ensure promotion/retirement orders are “in work”
Determine uniform of the day for ceremony participants/attendees
Schedule dry run on official party’s/participants calendar for a day or two prior to
ceremony (if Wing CC/CV is officiating, be sure to check with Wing CC/CV
sec’y to see if CC/CV wants to attend dry run)
VERY IMPORTANT to schedule the dry run on official party’s calendars at
least 30 minutes later than rest of ceremony participants, i.e narrator, singer,
dec aide, escorts, etc as you want to ensure everybody else knows what’s
“happening” before official party arrives for dry run.
Reserve room(s) for day prior to ceremony for a dry-run/set up
Determine narrator and get decoration to perform dry run(s)/ceremony
If having troop formations/pass-in-review, start working names, numbers etc and
schedule a few “practices” runs
Decide what equipment will be needed
Are chairs needed – where will they come from, who will set up/take down, etc
(Also chairs for stage/official party (high, wingback chairs)
Tables (#, sizes) – need to put decoration on, flowers if being presented, etc.
Podium/microphone – request COMM support Public Address system/mics for
event to include CD player for official music (even if you are requesting band
support, always good to have CD player/music as backup)
Reserve any other A/V equipment that may be needed
Reserve U.S. and A.F. and G.O. flag (if required) through Honor Guard or Wing
Determine if a vocalist is needed from the AF Band or other
--Arrange for a backup vocalist or music recording (Wing protocol has ceremonial
CD with Ruffles/Flourishes/National Anthem/Air Force Song available for check-
Ask promote/retiree if an invocation is desired. Schedule chaplain for invocation