Date _________________
Applicant’s Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone ____________________________________ email address __________________________________________________
Referred position:
Name and Title of position ______________________________________________________________________________________
Referred by:
Employee name _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Title _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone ____________________________________ email address __________________________________________________
Department name ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature of referring employee _________________________________________________ Date signed ________________________
In order to be eligible for a cash award, this form must be completed, signed and attached to the original resume or application
prior to submission to the corporate offi ce.
You can help ASSE International, a friend, and yourself by participating in the
ASSE International Employee Referral Program. If you are an eligible employee,
you can earn a cash award of $500 if you refer an external applicant who is
hired to a designated open position at ASSE International.
The Employee Referral Program is open to all regularly employed staff. ASSE
International temporary employees, and offi ce staff but, not career placement
personnel. Supervisory staff are not eligible when hiring in their department.
The Employee Referral Form below, or a copy of it, must be fi lled out completely.
The applicants you refer must have this form attached to the resumes or
applications that they summit to the corporate offi ce. You cannot refer anyone
who has already applied to this offi ce for the position, anyone who already
works at ASSE International, World Heritage International Student Exchange or
Euaraupair International, or anyone who has worked at any of these entities in
the last twelve months. This includes regular and casual employee as well as
employees working through temporary agencies.
The hiring department will pay you a cash award of $500 (subject to applicable
taxes) if the person you referred is hired for a position and completes six months
of continuous employment. You must be employed by ASSE International at that
time to collect payment.
The hiring department notes in the appropriate box on the requisition for
personnel when a position is to be included in the Employee Referral Program.
The department may include a position when it is fi rst available or at a later date;
however, once included, a position my not be withdrawn from the program.
In the event an applicant is referred from more than one source, the deciding
factor will be the date of receipt of the referral within the corporate offi ce. This
offi ce will inform the participating parties when such situations arise.